Your Mental Health Matters
As we enter March, we’re also entering one full year of enduring this pandemic.
While COVID of course didn’t just appear overnight in March 2020, that’s when we started seeing wide scale shut downs, and when our day to day lives started to change long-term.
It is a very difficult thing to have survived a year of sustained trauma, which is what we have all had to do this last year.

Why Your Child Needs a Therapist This Fall
COVID-19 has ravaged our world. In New Jersey alone, more than 184,000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded, leaving more than 14,000 people dead. While very few of these deaths have been our children (less than 0.4%,) our youths and community are still suffering in countless and terrible unforeseen ways (1). Isolation, unemployment, and fear […]

Grief- Tending a Broken Heart
We are human beings. We are in a constant state of flux and change, and with that, we may experience a tremendous amount of loss. Death loss is the one that is most validated. However, death loss, is not the only loss one can experience in this lifetime. In fact, according to the Holmes-Rahe Inventory, […]