Reflections from a therapist: Mother’s Day In Quarantine

Mother’s Day- a day to celebrate and honor mom. I have been having quite mixed emotions upon thinking about the day. Something that has been coming to the surface of my mind is how no matter what your lifestyle is like, whether you have children, single, spouse, etc. we are all currently taking care of ourselves the best we can, and you know who taught us that? Our parents-and most likely our mother, grandmother or some maternal figure. We are digging deep and utilizing the skills of how to survive, find strength, and carry on through the dark of night into the light of day. The basis or foundation of many mothers world wide.

On a more personal note, I am looking forward to this day to be with my family, my husband and our two boys who are 2 and a half and 7 months old. During this quarantine period we have really found strength in each other. I have rediscovered the joy of my both our son’s laughter, and hearing the need for connection and attention in their cries, hugged their little bodies a little tighter, spent more time cooking their food and also having my 2 year being more a part of making and cleaning up his meal, bathing them a little longer while being in awe of their little bodies growing and changing, reading books, watching movies (like all the movies) and snuggling on the couch. I have been more of *mom* in these past two months than I have ever felt before.

It has also re-ignited my gratitude and awe of my husband. As I work afternoons and evenings, he handles fatherhood with ease. Our tag-team-divide-and-conquer-strategy has worked for us. We feel so fortunate to be safe, healthy, and for the most part happy. His love encourages my strength to continue on and “mom” more than ever before.

It is okay to feel sad if your celebrations are not as usual this year. There will be less of a family get-togethers, to celebrate our own mothers and grandmothers. I definitely feel that void, and for myself it is important to honor that sadness. I plan to face time with as many important mothers in my life as I can, with also knowing that it will not completely fill that void. I am going to welcome the sadness by understanding how fortunate I am to have such amazing women in my life. Sometimes our sadness uncovers and helps us realize how much we really do have. I will hug my husband a little tighter, and gaze upon my boys knowing that this journey will someday be a distant memory, and that mothers everywhere pulled their children and families through this time.

To those mothers reading this, I see you, I feel you, and I am virtually hugging you. And maybe, just maybe, without the brunch, the flowers, or the usual presents, we can honor ourselves by showing up each and every day for our families, knowing our strength is going to make this world a better place.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.

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About The Author
Faith Ulsh Faith Ulsh, LPC Hello! I’m a therapist at Olive Branch Therapy Group and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). I received my undergraduate degree from The University of Vermont and my graduate degree from Monmouth University. I’ve been in practice in since 2016